Imagine S.T.R.I.V.E.!
Aug 10, 2022
Nicole Will | Fairmont H.S. Counseling Director
Imagine S.T.R.I.V.E.!

Nicole is our primary partner contact at Fairmont High School in one of Kettering Rotary's signature projects, S.T.R.I.V.E. Through this work, Rotarians reach out to High School Seniors and offer guidance and support as they prepare for the future, post-graduation. Welcome back to our Kettering Rotary podium, Nicole! 

Stare down Fairmont High School’s one-of-a-kind quarter mile hallway and the first thought is… that’s a long path ahead. The campus-style structure is big and full of opportunities. Yet with all that’s available we know the question still remains – what is my future?

We celebrate big ideas of who you can become whether you leave college-bound or career-bound. Our students graduate ready for the ever-changing world.

We encourage our students, our staff, and our community to “Think Differently About What’s Possible.”

Find your future at Fairmont High School.